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Linda Giangregorio

Make it Sacred

When I opened my emails the other day I received a message from one of my fav yoga instructors that hit me like a bolt of lightning. Like a remembrance of a concept I have heard before, but this time it went deeper. She said...Keep it simple, Make it sacred. Now she was talking about your yoga practice, which is great and def. true. But it got me thinking of how could I make everything I do sacred? How could I regard myself as sacred?

I preach all the time the concept of Reiki leading us to our truth. What does that mean exactly? It means that we are a vast infinite soul & spirit, having a human experience. An experience whereby we agreed to take on all of these false beliefs and allow them to become our identity. We agreed to forget just how sacred we are, so that we could know it on an even deeper level given the chance. I do believe we are all given that chance.

Our Reiki manuals define the soul as this: "The soul is the part of us that is the repository of all our experiences from this life, all past lives and any in-between lives. It also contains all the attitudes, values and beliefs we've formed about our experiences as well as the decisions we've made about ourselves and about life and what we've learned. Some of these are conscious and some are sub-conscious. There are usually many levels of awareness within each soul and each soul is different depending on the experiences each has had and the way the soul interpreted those experiences. There can be parts that are traumatized and not recovered, parts that are sick, angry and sad, injured and have low levels of consciousness. There can also be evolved parts that have healthy qualities such as wisdom, kindness, love, joy and have highly evolved levels of consciousness. The soul is who we are as a unique individual. And it is at the soul level that Reiki Placements are received."

Now the spirit is defined as this: "The spirit is that part of us that is connected to Source, connected to God. The spirit can evolve too. This means it can develop a greater connection to God. Since God is infinite, there is no limit to the development the spirit can experience. There will always be a higher level, a greater experience that will give access to more of God's resources, experiences and states of consciousness. Because the spirit connects to God, it is the spirit that provides mystical experiences including a feeling of oneness, of being connected with all other beings, all of life. It is through the spirit that we have a feeling of love toward everyone and everything. The spirit makes its awareness and resources available to the soul. As our spirit evolves and becomes more refined, so do our various levels and types of consciousness."

So, in my mind the first thing to do is internalize and see where your belief lies on your spirit and your soul. Because if you believe you have them, then you must believe that you are sacred. Remember that we agreed to have these false beliefs, but they are not "WHO" we are at our core. They can't dictate the truth, or tell us our truth. As we strip away the beliefs that are holding us back, we start to be able to accept that we are sacred beings, and we start treating ourselves as such.

And this is what I mean about taking this concept and applying it to ourselves, and everything we do on a daily basis. I believe if we did that, if we treated ourselves as we would if Jesus or God or any of the Angels etc.. were right in front of us, our experience of ourselves and our life would change drastically. Just think about that for a minute. If you actually regarded yourself as sacred, as bigger then what the mind says, you wouldn't doubt anymore. You would KNOW that you are so much bigger then the human body you have right now. And you CAN make sacred the things that you do.

What does that mean? To me, it means connecting with the feeling of knowing you're a spirit, connecting with what is ultimately unconditional love. And viewing your actions as sacred. That translates into being less judgmental about yourself when you do things, giving yourself some grace. And maybe letting yourself off the hook more often. More loving, maybe move a little slower, more intentional with a little more self love. You're not just the "you" you perceive to be but something so much bigger. So move like it, FEEL like it and see what happens!

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Megan Mercer
Megan Mercer
Nov 25, 2022

Oh how I needed to read this tonight! This reminder to make it sacred, to welcome grace in all of the small and big things we do is just the reminder I needed. Thank you!

Linda Giangregorio
Linda Giangregorio
Nov 25, 2022
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I’m SO glad! I knew you would love it! 💛💛💛

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