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Linda Giangregorio


Updated: Feb 15, 2022

I shared this over on my Instagram, but feel it necessary to have it here as well.

I have a meditation from Louise Hay called "LOVING TREATMENT". It has made a difference in my life and I hope that it will in yours as well.

DEEP AT THE CENTER OF MY BEING, there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied. The more love I use and give, the more I have to give; the supply is endless. The use of love makes ME FEEL GOOD. It is an expression of my inner joy. I love myself; therefore, I provide a comfortable home for myself, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it. I love myself; therefore, I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people whom I love and who love me, and earning a good income. I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way to all people, for I know that that which I give out returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am. I love myself; therefore I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free. I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good, and knowing that my future is bright, joyous, and secure. I am a beloved child of the universe, and the universe lovingly takes care of me now and forever more. And so it is.

I love you.

Let me know in the comments how this goes when you try it. Do it in front of a mirror and watch how you see yourself for possibly the first time EVER! Do you experience any deep emotions, and how are your days following?

This is a practice that we do at our retreats. The response has been wild! A simple practice of words spoken can really open up spaces for our light to shine.



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