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Linda Giangregorio

Healing Fire Ignition-Master Level

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

My heart has been saying to share all the wonderful processes that we go through during a Reiki level 3/4 class because they are just THAT powerful. So first up is the Healing Fire Ignition. This is done on the third day of class after both Holy Fire Ignitions have been given.

Its purpose is to establish the healing fire in your heart and then spread it to every part of your being including your soul and physical body. This will enhance your Holy Fire energy. There are so many benefits to this ignition, but I'll just name a few key ones.

  • Clears away old energy patterns from trauma, childhood issues, generational patterns, control issues.

  • It works automatically without you needing to do anything.

  • Heals relationship issues by creating forgiveness.

  • Releases feelings of revenge, anger, hostility etc..

  • Can heal old injuries from car accidents, falls, sexual assault, child abuse and so forth.

Over all it is so gentle in its loving ways of healing. So much so that most people report feelings of being loved and cared for and feelings of peace. The process is always taking in the direction of the will of our source. Which is our will even if we don't know it. So as you are working with Healing Fire and it is working with you, you will be stepping out of the way to allow God's plan to take place.

Anything that loving and supportive in a way that makes me feel safe is by far one of the main reasons I teach and practice Reiki. All of these qualities are present in the Holy Fire Reiki energy, but this specific ignition just takes that to

another level. Healing in that way just excites me so much as I know how hard it can be and how easy Reiki can make it if we choose.

All my love,


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