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Linda Giangregorio

Do you know your own energy

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As Energy healers we have a responsibility to ourselves to cultivate an awareness of where we are at energetically and emotionally BEFORE we share our services.

A big thing that’s missing in the various fields of energy work is the importance of knowing your OWN energy. Where it’s at, where it’s not and everything in between. Without this conscious awareness and understanding of your own energy you are unable to clear yourself fully after working on someone.

This is why I put a huge emphasis during our Reiki retreats to check in with yourself, do the personal work, and be honest daily about where you’re at energetically. When we are clear, we are a clearer channel for source energy. From that knowing you are ready to hold space for your clients, and just as importantly be able to know after a session what is yours and what isn’t yours. Even though we have clearing processes specifically after a Reiki Session, that doesn't mean that it's full proof. Even though Reiki doesn't come from us, we are still merging our energies with our clients. We don't want to be leaking all over them, and we don't want to be in a place where we are open to taking on and keeping their energy.

I have a few processes that I thought would be good to share, so that the next time you're going to work on a client you will be much more in tune with YOU. I do have to say that this process can also be used if you're not an energy healer. Because we are here to grow, to learn and evolve, there is huge benefit in being able to check in with yourself on a daily basis. That way you can know where you're at, use any processes that are comfortable for you to get back into alignment and then move throughout your day in a much healthier place. And the same premise applies, when we are out and about our energies mix with others, so this will allow you to know if you picked up and stored someone else's "junk" so to speak.

I have created a meditation/mindfulness awareness experience available to purchase by donation. If this is something you would like you can pay whatever is comfortable for you through Venmo at or and leave your email address so that I can send you the meditation.

All my love,


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