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Linda Giangregorio

Changing the Reiki game

womans hands on a forehead of another woman giving a Reiki session
Holy Fire Reiki III session

I want to start this off by saying I don't have all the answers, I'm just following my intuition and trying to make sure I'm open to all opinions and sides because that's how we grow. I've always been a lover of knowledge, but at this point in my life I want it to be learned and practiced Wisdom.

For Centuries Reiki has been used as a prescriptive means of healing. I'm grateful for that, but it just doesn't resonate with me. In truth it hasn't for a really long time, I just didn't realize it. Years ago I would go to a weekly Reiki group with the most amazing women and I just adored them. But as the time went on and we practiced every week on each other I noticed a pattern. We would get on the table, and they would all ask what issues we wanted addressed and use the pendulum to see where the energy was flowing or not flowing. After awhile it started occurring to me that that's not the point of Reiki. Mind you this was YEARS before I started teaching Reiki. It culminated in them going to a good friends house who was dying of cancer with the end goal to save her life. I immediately bowed out. I KNEW that wasn't my place and it made me extremely uncomfortable. Recently while talking to a close friend who's a Reiki Master for like 30 years, she said "If you're willing to take responsibility for their healing are you willing to take responsibility for their death or their not healing?" And for me that answer has always been a resounding NO. But it took almost three years of teaching Reiki the way the manuals say to, and not questioning it to have that belief come back around.

Let me back track: Reiki is "spiritually guided life energy directly from our source(God)" We as practitioners or people who practice Reiki are not in charge of the energy, it doesn't come from us, so we don't have the right to act like we can control, manipulate or direct this energy.

Now as "humans" we are really souls having a human experience not the other way around. So that means on a real level, we are energetic beings that hold the light of God within us. Our subconscious knows this, but it's time we bring it to the forefront and really live this truth. What this means is we are literally perfect, not wanting or lacking. But we agreed to have this human experience and forget all of that so we could go through various events that would bring us back to remembering our truth. And taking that to the next level by living our truth. And this is where Reiki comes in. Specifically Holy Fire III Reiki because it doesn't have a human lineage it comes directly from God. All the aspects that we know about God spiritually, not religious are inherent in the Reiki energy as much as they are inherent in us. Reiki isn't uncovering anything we don't already have. it's just showing us what is.

So as a Reiki practitioner, I'm working with you to share what I already know about you and what Reiki knows about you as well. I'm holding up the mirror so that you can see the real YOU. This is not to say that there isn't beauty in the human body, quite the opposite. But you get what I mean hopefully! If I trust all of these "facts" about Reiki, that means I trust it to do what it's going to do for you, because that is between your higher self, your soul and God. Period! Along with that means that I don't have to diagnose you, or encourage any diagnoses that you have heard or think you have. False beliefs accumulate energetically in our bodies, and our bodies with infinite wisdom start communicating with us through pain that we're believing things about ourselves that are false.

I come from the standpoint that I don't want to perpetuate your false beliefs, I want you to know that YOU heal you, that YOU know yourself more intimately then I ever could, and I can share Reiki with you to help you further uncover the false beliefs and Reiki will help you heal them through all space and time for your highest and best good.

Hear me when I say this: Reiki is the one uncovering and bringing to you the messages you need to hear for your healing, not me. Holy Fire Reiki specifically when you become attuned to it, heals you spontaneously without you having to think about it, or have anyone do anything to you. And you know what else it does that no one talks about?!!! Once your soul and higher self are familiar with the process Reiki brings to heal, they can take over, and you won't have or need the Reiki energy anymore. I absolutely LOVE that! It's not one other thing that we can add as a crutch to feel better about ourselves for the rest of our lives. does respect your free will, which means it won't do anything for you unless you are ready and willing. And sometimes your conscious brain thinks it isn't, but your soul knows better, and because Reiki is on that level, it can work when you're ready.

No longer are we going to assume we're broken and "need" someone else to heal us, or anything else for that matter. My Reiki training reflects that now. Everyone we work with as practitioners deserves to feel the peace and Joy we get from wherever we're at on our personal journey, not more reinforcement of something is missing in them, and they need US to make it better. That makes us above them for their own journey.

So I don't believe it's our job to look for blocked energy, or anything else that perpetuates these false beliefs. I'm going to include an excerpt from a book that says it far better then me and you'll get what I mean hopefully.

The book is called "Conscious Union with God" by Joel S. Goldsmith

"Treatment is always on the level of God"

"There is no power apart from the one life, which is your life and my life, and that life is eternal. The moment we touch the center, the divine essence of being within our own being, we have contacted not only God, but the life of individual man, the life of the one calling himself, for the moment, a patient. Treatment then lies in the ability to contact this one life, our own soul--this one Essence, this one Being which is within our being-and, therefore, in our form of treatment, it is not necessary to send thought out to a person.

The correct treatment from the standpoint of Spirit, or Soul, is to go within, to touch the Center of one's own being. This is my word to you after years and years of practice: Do not take the name or the identity or the picture or the thought of your patient into your treatment. Leave these completely outside. You have nothing to do with them. They are illusory to begin with, and if you take them into consideration, obviously you do not believe they are illusions, but think they are something and that you must do something about them. It has nothing to do with you because you cannot meet a problem on the level of the problem."

He has much more to say, but here's a little excerpt from our Reiki Manual that sheds a little light on the type of connection to create before we give a treatment.

"When working on higher levels of consciousness, the less you do and the less the ego is involved, the higher you go. Because of this, there is very little for the student to do, yet what takes place can be more meaningful. Have no agenda; let the source, God decide what is next. Direct your attention inward and express gratitude that you are growing in the experience."

As I said in the beginning I don't have all the answers, I will always be growing and evolving especially by using Reiki. Hell, just teaching has made me grow in ways I couldn't of imagined. Meaning, I'm not saying I know it all, or this is concrete. It feels right though, and I'm running with it. Not saying it's better than anything else, this is just where my journey is taking me as a Reiki Master/Teacher. And I have to say my heart is happy, the love my girls feel is real, and the empowerment and unconditional love the people I share Reiki with feel is real. And I LOVE that! I'm excited to keep diving deeper into what we've been taught and question it's validity, even question new things I think could be true. I'm excited to share this with my current and future students, and hear their take on this, and how they will execute this when giving sessions. I love the community, the collaboration, the exploration and the journey to know how I can best serve those I work with. I want to change the way Reiki is taught, change the narrative of what a session is supposed to be so that they can be what they should be not dictated by me but by God. For the highest good for our clients and those we love and share this Reiki Magic with.

All my love,


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30 sept 2022

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is well said and resonates with me. It feels right. In so many things we “try” or “take action” in our hands when we don’t have to do anything but let the God energy in. It seems so much more natural to allow this. There is freedom in it. 🙏🏼 much love, Raz

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Linda Giangregorio
Linda Giangregorio
30 sept 2022
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I’m glad it resonated and I’m not the only one! Love you hope you’re doing well.💛

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