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Linda Giangregorio

Are you living your joy?

Lately for me the overwhelming message has been to drop everything and only do what brings me joy. I've gotten caught in the trap of "doing" instead of "being". It's easy to get here, when life throws a bunch of things at you, or in my case you feel like you have to "hustle" to get anywhere in this small business social media world.

But...I've had enough of the chasing and the struggle and the fear that if I don't do it right I'm letting everyone down including myself. I have found that the more I show up for my life that's right in front of me the more everything else flows. And it feels GOOOD! I find that I can hear the divine guidance and I feel supported.

Colette Baron Reid recently wrote that during hard times it's helpful to make a connection with the mantra "All my needs are met." and "thank you". The power of gratitude and trust really are life changing. I won't say I'm an expert at it, but I will say that I see life orchestrate itself different, that I hear my intuition a lot more when I'm in this mindset then the other. I'm reminded of my Reiki tools, and with that reminded of the fact that I teach how empowering Reiki is when you use it. Isn't that true for anything?

I know from experience that Reiki leads you to your highest good, kind of clears a path forward for us, sometimes in a scary way if I'm being honest, but at the end of the day you see what was meant to be. I like to teach that Reiki will change you if you let it, but what's not said very often is that, that change is more than likely gonna scare the shit out of you. But when you think about it, how can you exist as one way and expect another? You can't and they don't. You only get one. Maybe glimpses of the other side being better, then back into the fray...because ultimately we have to decide which experience we want from this life.

I always say we complicate the crap out of life, and it's true. I am SO guilty of it...I come from a long line of catastrophizers. (is that a word?) I have to work extra hard at it, and I appreciate the people in my life who let me freak out and remind and encourage me that the other side is there. When I do calm down, when I let myself hear the messages, when I use Reiki consistently and make it a priority to strengthen my inner relationship things calm down. Solutions get presented, I am happier, lighter, and way more full of joy then I ever would be.

Do you find yourself in the same position? I have a great question I heard someone say and I would love for you to share in the comments your answer.

If your future self came to visit you, what would it tell you to start?

Mine would say to start playing BIG, to go for the gusto because this is it. These moments are our present and we don't get them back. So if life is gonna be complicated which it is! I might as well work on living my joy as often as possible!

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“Believe in yourself and have confidence about what you bring to the table, stop playing small”

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Yes! <3

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